
Our Mission:  To come alive to God and His kingdom.

Our Heart

At GMDS we want to help students to build a strong foundation for a life of passionately following Jesus. We believe that God has called all of us to be ministers, whether that’s in our workplace, out in the community, or in the nations of the earth.

While it’s great to be passionate for God now, our concern is more than that: where will we be in 10 years? 20 years? 50 years? This kind of faith requires strong foundations in the Word of God and a lifestyle of worship and prayer. It requires connection to the body of Christ — we want to see students walking out their faith in the context of their local church. We also believe that the gifts and the power of the Spirit are for today and want to help our students walk in these in a safe and encouraging environment. We’ve seen people healed and encountered by God through the ministry of GMDS students and we want to continue to grow in these things.

What to Expect

GMDS is an 8 month school that runs from September through April, and our classes run 4 days a week — Monday through Thursday. There will be some reading assignments to complete and students will be asked to lead in other areas of daily school life. We also require students to volunteer in a church ministry in their home church. There will also be regular outreach opportunities which generally take place on Thursday. Our schedule can be filled with activities both planned as well as unexpected. Due to changes in scheduling, some flexibility will be necessary on Thursdays.


$4000 per year, payable in two $2000 payments on the first day of each semester.

What about housing?

We do not currently have our own housing. But we work with students from out of town to help them find a local place to rent (cost not included in the price of the school above).